mercredi 13 juin 2007

Text n°2 : Let's try it !

Let's translate another text...

I saw a red and beautiful coat this morning at the Mall. I generally am not mad about red clothes, but I have to admit that this one was particularly attractive and it suits me very well.
The only inconvenient is its price. Effectively, the coat is pretty expensive and I can not afford to buy it now. Pierre saw a nice black sport car in the street! He couldn't stop telling me he wants one like this, so that things would be easier with girls! I think the car is much more expensive than the coat I like! So, I think Pierre has a lot of work in front of him, if he wants to own a car as expensive! :-)

Translation :

1. I saw a red and beautiful coat this morning at the Mall.

-> J'ai repéré un beau manteau rouge ce matin au centre commercial.

2. I generally am not mad about red clothes, but I have to admit that this one was particularly attractive and it suits me very well.

-> D'habitude, je ne suis pas folle de vêtements rouges, mais je dois admettre que celui-ci était particulièrement attirant et il me va très bien.

3. The only disadventage is its price.

-> Le seul inconvénient est le prix.

4. Effectively, the coat is pretty expensive and I can not afford to buy it now.

-> En effet, le manteau est assez cher and je ne peux pas me permettre de l'acheter maintenant.

5. Pierre saw a nice black sport car in the street!

-> Pierre a vu une belle voiture de sport noire dans la rue.

6. He couldn't stop telling me he wants one like this, so that things would be easier with girls!

-> Il n'a pas arrêté de me dire qu'il en veut une comme celle-ci, comme ça les choses seraient plus faciles avec les filles!

7.I think the car is much more expensive than the coat I like!

-> Je pense que la voiture est beaucoup plus chère que le manteau qui me plaît!

8.So, I think Pierre has a lot of work in front of him, if he wants to own a car as expensive! :-)

-> Donc, je pense que Pierre a énormément de travail devant lui, s'il veut posséder une voiture aussi chère!

Explanations / Grammar :

1. the Mall = un centre commercial (I remember when my aunt told me 'let's go to the Mall'...I was just like :"Huh? Where?" lol I didn't know that term. In france we use : centre commercial meaning "the centre of all business", selling colthes, food...

one interesting point : order of adjectives in a sentence!

a red and beautiful coat : un beau manteau rouge

In english, colors are before the name. In french it is the contrary, we can not say : un rouge manteau. We say, un manteau rouge.

Other adjectives in general are used before : a tall guy = un grand garçon
a nice car = une belle voiture

But for adjectives like "generous, smart.." in french you find them after the name :
un garçon généreux, une fille intelligente, un homme sympathique...
while in english you find them before the name...

I will search more carefully if there is a rule for adjectives, but let's keep those information in mind for now...

2. be mad of/about : être fou de quelque chose! ou être fou de quelqu'un (be mad of something or someone)
suit : aller (for clothes : Ce chapeau te va bien! (this hat looks good on you, suits you)

3. The disadventage is its price : we say "le" (the) because we don't need to insist on the possession, we know it is the price of the coat ^^

4. It is pretty cool ! = C'est plutôt cool !
But, It is pretty expensive = c'est assez cher.
I dependes on the case, but both are correct actually..c'est plutôt cher is correct too but I prefer using "assez"

To afford to = se permettre de (je me permets de, tu te permets de, il se permet de..)

6. I can"t stop crying = je ne peux pas m'arrêter de pleurer

can't stop + ING = ne pas pouvoir s'arrêter de + Verbe à l'infinitif

I can't stop loving you = je ne peux pas m'arrêter de t'aimer.

7. le superlatif :

plus....que = more... than

I am taller than you = je suis plus grande que toi.
He is more intelligent than her = Il est plus intelligent qu'elle.

moins...que = less...than

Je suis moins stressée que toi = I am less stressed up than you.

Le comparatif

as = aussi...que

Elle est aussi belle que ma soeur. = She is as beautiful as my sister.

8. want to do something = vouloir faire quelque chose

want to = vouloir +verbe à l'infinitif

If you have more questions, please let me know.

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