vendredi 22 juin 2007

The five senses verbs

To be able to make simple sentences when knowing a little vocabulary, I think it is important to know some verbs.

[1 speak, talk = parler

say = dire ]

2 hear = entendre

listen = écouter

3 see = voir

look = regarder

watch = regarder (a movie, TV..)

4 taste = goûter

5 smell = sentir

6 touch = toucher

caress = caresser

Let's use them in some sentences ok.

1 I have to talk to her immediately.
-> Je dois lui parler immédiatement.

I can speak italian
-> Je sais parler italien.

What are you saying?
-> Qu'est-ce que vous dites ?

2. I can hear you, no need to scream.
-> Je peux t'entendre, tu n'as pas besoin de hurler.

You should listen to your parents.
-> Tu devrais écouter tes parents.

3. I saw a beautiful butterfly yesterday.
-> J'ai vu un joli papillon hier.

I am looking at you because I never want to forget you.
-> Je te regarde car jamais je ne veux t'oublier.

I am watching a western on TV right now.
-> Je suis en train de regarder un western à la télévision.

4. I am tasting her delicious dessert.
-> Je goûte son dessert délicieux.

5. She smells the roses he offered her.
-> Elle sent les roses qu'il lui a offert.

6. Do not touch this!
-> Ne touche pas à ceci !

He is caressing her hair.
-> Il caresse ses cheveux.

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