jeudi 14 juin 2007

How often?

How often? = Combien de fois par jour (a day)/ par semaine (a week)/ par mois (a month)/par an (a year)

In english, there is no need to ask How often a day?.... for people to answer to the question and add the details (once a day, ..) in their answer :

How often do you go to the swimming pool?

-> Oh, I go to the swimming pool every two days.

In french, we often need to add the detail in the question :

Combien de fois par semaine vas-tu à la piscine?

-> Je vais à la piscine deux fois par semaine.

Why do we need to add the details (how often a day, a week...) in french ?

Because "Combien de fois" alone is reservated for the english expression " How many times ? "

-> Combien de fois faut-il que je te répète cela?
= How many times do I have to repeat you that?

Of course, in daily life french people do not always respect this grammar perfectly and still understand each other, but when learning a language, I think it is important to speak the language correctly.

How many? = Combien de ..

How many people attend to this meeting?

-> Combien de gens participent à cette réunion?

How much ? = Combien coûte ..?

How much is this book?

-> Combien coûte ce livre?

Vocabulary :

swimming pool = la piscine

attend to = participer à

a meeting = une réunion (de travail)

un rendez-vous = an appointment but can also mean a date

I have an appointment with the doctor today = Aujourd'hui j'ai un rendez-vous chez le doctor.

I have a date with Pierre = J'ai un rendez-vous avec Pierre

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